Saturday, January 4, 2014

It's a...

On Christmas Eve, we went for the 19-week morphology scan, to make sure baby was growing in accordance to my dates and nothing was longer or shorter than it should be.  Everything was looking fine, particularly this...

Yes - that, dear friends, is a baby penis.  We're having a boy!

I can't lie - I was a little disappointed when we first found out, only because I was so looking forward to having another little girl (and since we already have all the clothes, it would have been easy!).  I guess I thought it would be easier on Lily, since she is (and will continue to be) the only girl amongst her sibling and her cousins, but I guess that doesn't matter too much ultimately.  Once I went shopping for some little boy clothes, I was feeling a little more enthused and am now pretty excited to welcome Emmett Robert into our lives!

As for Lily, she celebrated her 1st birthday on the 26th November '13, and had an awesome party on the 30th - she was definitely spoilt rotten, and the sheer number of people who showed up for her party just shows how much love this little girl has around her; I think we had about 40 guests in total.  She had so much fun and totally flaked out at the end of the day (!).  Here's just a couple of shots from her party:

I just can't believe our little girl is 1 already, and that we have another on the way - what a whirlwind the past couple of years have been!

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