Friday, June 22, 2012

19 Week Update

How Far Along: 19 weeks

Weight Gain: 1.7kg - finally starting to gain!

Innie or Outtie: Innie.

Maternity Clothes: Feeling more comfortable in maternity clothes but still fit into my old stuff.

Sleep: Worst couple of nights’ sleep so far. Kept waking up every time I needed to roll over. Or worse, waking up and feeling wide awake but it being only 2am.

Pregnancy Perk: Nothing really!

Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: None this week.

Best Moment this week: Feeling more flutters.

Baby Purchases this week: A beautiful (albeit secondhand) cot for your room ♥

Gender: We found out last week you’re a little GIRL! And we’ve picked out your name - Daddy came up with your first name and I picked your middle name. But we’re not telling anyone until you’re here.

Movement: A few more flutters, but no definite kicks or anything yet.

Food Cravings: None really - I’ve been boring!

Food Aversions: None really, other than what I already disliked.

How’s Mummy? A little sicky today - sinus pain, sore throat, appetite’s gone. Just the affects of the weather and working too hard I think. I’m otherwise okay though.

How’s Daddy? Daddy’s still working hard, I know he’d love to be spending more time at home but we have to work!

What I am looking forward to: The next scan to confirm again that you’re a girl still :P and finally meeting you!

Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: You’re the size of a mango! Approximately 15cm long and 240 grams in weight.

What Baby Peanut is up to: Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby’s skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

It's a...

So we found out your gender yesterday - I can’t believe we’re nearly halfway through this pregnancy journey already.

Much to my delight because I already just knew, you are a…..


18 Week Update

How Far Along: 18 weeks

Weight Gain: Still nothing!

Innie or Outtie: Innie.

Maternity Clothes: Still at the in-between stage.

Sleep: I’ve had a couple of days where I’ve been exhausted, but a good night’s sleep makes it all better. Have found sleeping a little uncomfortable but not enough to prevent me from sleeping.

Pregnancy Perk: Nothing else yet.

Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: None! I’m so boring!

Best Moment this week: Finding out your gender!!!

Baby Purchases this week: None.

Gender: … will post this next! …

Movement: A few little flutters but nothing definite.

Food Cravings: None really this fortnight - maybe strawberry milk?

Food Aversions: None really, other than what I already disliked.

How’s Mummy? Doing good, no problems other than being tired. The ultrasound person told me there’s a 10% chance I may have placenta praevia, BUT my doctor said there’s only 3cm of my placenta covering my cervix and it will most likely move out of the way before your arrival :)

How’s Daddy? He’s good too - very excited!

What I am looking forward to: Meeting you!!!

Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: You’re the size of a sweet potato! Approximately 15cm long and nearly 200grams in weight.

What Baby Peanut is up to: Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby’s finally big enough that you’ll be able to feel those movements soon.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

16 Week Update

How Far Along: 16 weeks

Weight Gain: 0kg - still haven’t gained any so far this pregnancy (in fact I’m down about 7kg since my first GP appointment 11 weeks ago!)

Innie or Outtie: Innie.

Maternity Clothes: Still at the in-between stage.

Sleep: Sleep is good, occasionally waking up with a dead leg or arm, but nothing hugely interrupted.

Pregnancy Perk: None yet other than maybe people carrying stuff to my car for me or offering to lift heavy stuff!

Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: Nothing this week really.

Best Moment this week: Feeling a little flutter!

Baby Purchases this week: None.

Gender: Not yet known - hopefully at the next scan (18 weeks)!

Movement: A few little flutters but nothing definite - still a little early.

Food Cravings: Nothing other than the tomato soup from last week, but even that craving is wearing off.

Food Aversions: None really, other than what I already disliked.

How’s Mummy? Doing well, back at work this week after a week off thanks to the hospital, but feeling good and looking good - skin is clearing up which is AWESOME. Going for a haircut this afternoon for a little pampering :)

How’s Daddy? Daddy says he’s alright, too busy playing a game to talk to me right now!!! He’s been very affectionate and attentive to Mummy’s needs, which has been lovely x

What I am looking forward to: Still looking forward to that 18 week scan - less than 2 weeks to go!

Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: You’re the size of an avocado! Approximately 11.6cm long and 100grams in weight.

What Baby Peanut is up to: Listening to my voice, thanks to the tiny bones forming in the ears. Growing hair, lashes and eyebrows. Forming tastebuds.